Friday, April 22, 2016

Revenge porn bill proposed by Michigan Senate

Revenge porn - when an ex lover has intimate photos of a lover and decides to publish those images in revenge when the relationship goes sour - may be illegal soon in Michigan. That is, if the bill proposed by Michigan's senate becomes law. (Please note: It's already illegal if the alleged victim is under age, because that falls under the child porn laws, which would necessarily have a sex offender registry requirement, aka SOR).

The text of the bill can be seen here on the Michigan Legislative service website. (which, as I have mentioned before, contains all sorts of information on Michigan laws (those that are already law, and those that are proposed.))

The bill will make it a misdemeanor to "disseminate" sexually explicit visual material on a computer, network, or other electronic device or medium of communication, when the person who's image is being disseminated did not consent, is being threatened, coerced or intimidated by those images, and is more than 18 years of age. A second offense under this bill is still a misdemeanor, just with a higher fine.

1 comment:

  1. Here's the most recent news article on the bills:
